TWEAK Receptor

A receptor for TWEAK cytokine that is highly expressed by cells in the heart, placenta, and kidney. It plays a role in ANGIOGENESIS and the proliferation of endothelial cells; it may also modulate cellular adhesion to the extracellular matrix.
Also Known As:
CD266 Antigen; Fn14 Receptor; Fn14 TWEAK Receptor; TNF Receptor Superfamily Member 12A; TWEAK Receptor Fn14; TWEAKR; Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 12A; Tumor Necrosis Factor-like Weak Inducer of Apoptosis Receptor; Antigen, CD266; Fn14, TWEAK Receptor; Receptor Fn14, TWEAK; Receptor, Fn14; Receptor, Fn14 TWEAK; Receptor, TWEAK; TWEAK Receptor, Fn14; Tumor Necrosis Factor like Weak Inducer of Apoptosis Receptor
Networked: 91 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 5 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Burkly, Linda C: 12 articles (04/2017 - 04/2005)
2. Winkles, Jeffrey A: 11 articles (01/2021 - 04/2003)
3. Tran, Nhan L: 8 articles (01/2021 - 04/2003)
4. Ortiz, Alberto: 8 articles (01/2016 - 01/2008)
5. Michaelson, Jennifer S: 7 articles (05/2015 - 04/2005)
6. Culp, Patricia A: 6 articles (01/2018 - 01/2010)
7. Ruiz-Ortega, Marta: 6 articles (01/2016 - 04/2008)
8. Putterman, Chaim: 5 articles (05/2015 - 09/2004)
9. Sanchez-Niño, Maria Dolores: 5 articles (02/2014 - 04/2008)
10. Yagita, Hideo: 5 articles (07/2013 - 01/2002)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. Breast Neoplasms (Breast Cancer)
3. Rheumatoid Arthritis
4. Osteoarthritis
5. Keloid

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. enavatuzumab
2. Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
3. Monoclonal Antibodies
4. Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (Tumor Necrosis Factor)
5. Fibroblast Growth Factors (Fibroblast Growth Factor)
6. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
7. Cytokines
8. Cytokine TWEAK
9. NF-kappa B (NF-kB)
10. Ligands

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)
2. Therapeutics