Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptors (Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor)

Cell surface receptors that bind TUMOR NECROSIS FACTORS and trigger changes which influence the behavior of cells.
Also Known As:
Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor; TNF Receptor; Receptors, Tumor Necrosis Factor; Receptors, Cachectin; Receptors, TNF; Receptor, TNF; Cachectin Receptors; TNF Receptors
Networked: 3725 relevant articles (96 outcomes, 391 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Wajant, Harald: 15 articles (01/2024 - 01/2003)
2. Gohda, Tomohito: 13 articles (12/2023 - 03/2012)
3. Kollias, George: 11 articles (12/2023 - 04/2005)
4. Sakaguchi, Shimon: 11 articles (01/2011 - 02/2004)
5. Vandenabeele, Peter: 10 articles (11/2021 - 01/2002)
6. Furukawa, Susumu: 10 articles (11/2009 - 03/2002)
7. Ichiyama, Takashi: 10 articles (11/2009 - 03/2002)
8. Larsson, Anders: 9 articles (01/2022 - 11/2014)
9. Ueland, Thor: 9 articles (10/2016 - 11/2009)
10. Suzuki, Yusuke: 8 articles (12/2023 - 01/2015)

Related Diseases

1. Rheumatoid Arthritis
2. Neoplasms (Cancer)
3. Inflammation (Inflammations)
4. Experimental Arthritis
5. Necrosis

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
2. Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (Tumor Necrosis Factor)
3. Etanercept (Enbrel)
4. Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
5. Cytokines
6. Type I Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptors
7. Glucocorticoids
8. Interleukin-6 (Interleukin 6)
9. Interleukin-10 (Interleukin 10)
10. Interleukin-1 Receptors (Interleukin 1 Receptor)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Immunotherapy
3. Ligation
4. Resistance Training
5. Oncolytic Virotherapy