Neoplasms (Cancer)

New abnormal growth of tissue. Malignant neoplasms show a greater degree of anaplasia and have the properties of invasion and metastasis, compared to benign neoplasms.
Also Known As:
Cancer; Tumor; Tumors; Cancers; Neoplasm; Benign Neoplasm; Benign Neoplasms; Malignancy; Malignant Neoplasms; Neoplasia; Neoplasms, Benign; Malignancies; Neoplasias; Neoplasm, Benign; Neoplasm, Malignant; Neoplasms, Malignant; Malignant Neoplasm
Networked: 1361496 relevant articles (81316 outcomes, 183898 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. Neoplasm Metastasis (Metastasis)
3. Breast Neoplasms (Breast Cancer)
4. Melanoma (Melanoma, Malignant)
5. Carcinoma (Carcinomatosis)


1. Zhang, Wei: 2389 articles (06/2024 - 01/2002)
2. Wang, Wei: 2198 articles (12/2024 - 09/2000)
3. Wang, Jing: 1847 articles (06/2024 - 07/2002)
4. Li, Wei: 1785 articles (12/2024 - 01/2002)
5. Liu, Yang: 1708 articles (06/2024 - 02/2002)
6. Li, Yan: 1689 articles (07/2024 - 03/2002)
7. Zhang, Li: 1538 articles (12/2024 - 03/2002)
8. Li, Jing: 1519 articles (12/2024 - 07/2001)
9. Wang, Yan: 1469 articles (05/2024 - 01/2002)
10. Zhang, Yu: 1468 articles (09/2024 - 05/2004)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Neoplasms:
1. Immune Checkpoint InhibitorsIBA
2. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)FDA Link
3. Biomarkers (Surrogate Marker)IBA
4. Cisplatin (Platino)FDA LinkGeneric
5. VaccinesIBA
6. AntigensIBA
7. 1-phenyl-3,3-dimethyltriazene (PDT)IBA
8. Doxorubicin (Adriamycin)FDA LinkGeneric
9. Peptides (Polypeptides)IBA
10. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)IBA
03/10/2022 - "SETD7 consistently prevented epithelial to mesenchymal transition in different cancer types, and inhibition of its function appears to be associated with improved response to DNA-damaging agents in most of the analysed studies. "
01/01/2017 - "The aim of this study is to determine the efficacy of combined DNA methylation analysis of a global DNA methylation marker - LINE-1 and a tumor suppressor gene highly associated with the malignancy of HCC- RASSF1A in serum as a novel prognostic marker for diagnosis of early recurrence after curative resection.LINE-1 was hypomethylated in 66.7% (70/105) and RASSF1A promoter was hypermethylated in 73.3% (77/105) of HCC serum DNA samples by methylation specific PCR, but in none of the healthy controls: LINE-1 hypometylation (0/50) and RASSF1A hypermethylation (0/50). "
09/01/2010 - "Consistent with the biological phenotype, epigenomic studies revealed that TRAMP; Dnmt1 hypomorphic mice show dramatically reduced CpG island and promoter DNA hypermethylation in late-stage primary tumors compared to control mice. "
02/21/2024 - "Targeting tumor cell DNA with minor groove-binding small molecules has proven highly effective in the recent past, drawing significant attention for combating tumor-related afflictions. "
11/01/2017 - "Somatic sequencing of mismatch repair genes from tumor DNA, whereas not currently available in most clinical laboratories, is helpful in resolution of cases in which germline sequencing fails to identify a mutation in a mismatch repair gene. "

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)
3. Immunotherapy
01/01/2023 - "Due to the challenge of accurately acquiring samples and quantifying low-biomass tissue microorganisms, most studies have focused on the effect of gut microorganisms on cancer treatments, especially the efficacy of immunotherapy. "
01/01/2022 - "Recent studies suggest that highly activated, polyfunctional CD4+ T cells are incredibly effective in strengthening and sustaining overall host antitumor immunity, promoting tumor-specific CD4+ T-cell responses and effectively enhancing antitumor immunity by immunotherapy. "
01/01/2022 - "In summary, although further research and clinical studies are still needed to solve the safety concerns and improve the efficacy of nanoplatform-based cancer immunotherapy, the recent studies presented in this review prove that nanoparticle-incorporated cancer immunotherapy is a highly promising treatment for cancer patients."
01/01/2022 - "Overall, our study demonstrates that TRAIL-modified, DOX-embedded PMO nanoparticles represent a good candidate for tumor-targeted immunotherapy, which has relatively superior therapeutic efficacy and highly promising future application prospects. "
01/01/2020 - "The prognostic role of a mutant form of the tumor suppressor gene TP53 (TP53-MT) in predicting the efficacy of ICIs is highly controversial; therefore, in this study, we obtained data for 210 patients from an immunotherapy cohort, 412 patients from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)-BLCA cohort and 18 BLCA cell lines from Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer (GDSC), and we performed integrated bioinformatic analysis to explore the relationships between TP53-MT and clinical benefits derived from ICI treatment and the underlying mechanisms. "
4. Radiotherapy
5. Photochemotherapy (Photodynamic Therapy)