Coxsackie and Adenovirus Receptor-Like Membrane Protein

An Ig superfamily transmembrane protein that localizes to junctional complexes that occur between ENDOTHELIAL CELLS and EPTHELIAL CELLS. The protein may play a role in cell-cell adhesion and is the primary site for the attachment of ADENOVIRUSES during infection.
Also Known As:
Adipocyte Adhesion Molecule; CAR (Coxsackie-Adenovirus Receptor); CAR-Like Membrane Protein; CXADR-Like Membrane Protein; Coxsackie-Adenovirus Receptor; Adhesion Molecule, Adipocyte; CAR Like Membrane Protein; CXADR Like Membrane Protein; Coxsackie Adenovirus Receptor; Coxsackie and Adenovirus Receptor Like Membrane Protein; Receptor, Coxsackie-Adenovirus
Networked: 138 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 10 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Curiel, David T: 14 articles (06/2008 - 03/2002)
2. Hemminki, Akseli: 12 articles (04/2012 - 03/2002)
3. Kanerva, Anna: 10 articles (04/2012 - 03/2002)
4. Alvarez, Ronald D: 7 articles (06/2008 - 03/2002)
5. Wang, Minghui: 7 articles (06/2008 - 09/2003)
6. Curiel, D T: 7 articles (05/2008 - 03/2001)
7. Kangasniemi, Lotta: 4 articles (04/2012 - 05/2006)
8. Siegal, Gene P: 4 articles (06/2008 - 07/2004)
9. Zhu, Zeng B: 4 articles (06/2008 - 07/2004)
10. Rauen, Katherine A: 4 articles (09/2005 - 07/2002)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. Infections
3. Adenoviridae Infections (Adenovirus Infections)
4. Cicatrix (Scar)
5. Urinary Bladder Neoplasms (Bladder Cancer)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. AD 5
2. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
3. Integrin alphaV
4. Protein Isoforms (Isoforms)
5. Uroplakin III
6. Cadherins (E-Cadherin)
7. Messenger RNA (mRNA)
8. Ligands
9. Hormones (Hormone)
10. integrin alphaVbeta5

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)
3. Castration