Narcotic-Related Disorders

Disorders related to or resulting from abuse or misuse of NARCOTICS.
Also Known As:
Abuse, Narcotic; Abuses, Narcotic; Addiction, Narcotic; Dependence, Narcotic; Disorder, Narcotic-Related; Narcotic Abuses; Narcotic Addictions; Narcotic Related Disorders; Narcotic-Related Disorder; Narcotic Abuse; Narcotic Addiction; Narcotic Dependence
Networked: 206 relevant articles (8 outcomes, 15 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Pain (Aches)
2. Postoperative Pain
3. Coma (Comas)
4. Shock
5. Psychotic Disorders (Schizoaffective Disorder)


1. Bilsky, Edward J: 3 articles (05/2009 - 02/2004)
2. Ahn, Junyoung: 2 articles (06/2016 - 01/2016)
3. Bohl, Daniel D: 2 articles (06/2016 - 01/2016)
4. Singh, Kern: 2 articles (06/2016 - 01/2016)
5. Lu, Dominic P: 2 articles (10/2013 - 01/2004)
6. Lu, Gabriel P: 2 articles (10/2013 - 01/2004)
7. Sadée, Wolfgang: 2 articles (02/2005 - 02/2004)
8. Wang, Danxin: 2 articles (02/2005 - 02/2004)
9. Hammell, Dana C: 2 articles (06/2004 - 12/2002)
10. Stinchcomb, Audra L: 2 articles (06/2004 - 12/2002)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Narcotic-Related Disorders:
1. Methadone (Dolophine)FDA LinkGeneric
2. Morphine (MS Contin)FDA LinkGeneric
3. Opioid Analgesics (Opioids)IBA
4. Narcotics (Narcotic Analgesics)IBA
5. Opiate AlkaloidsIBA
6. Narcotic Antagonists (Opioid Antagonists)IBA
7. Insulin (Novolin)FDA Link
8. Hypnotics and Sedatives (Sedatives)IBA
9. Hypoglycemic Agents (Hypoglycemics)IBA
10. CyclazocineIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
2. Therapeutics
09/18/2015 - "Secondary outcomes included completion of adjuvant therapy, narcotic dependence, return to detrimental habits, loss of follow-up, and length of hospital stay (LOHS). "
04/01/1978 - "Moreover, the drug has potential for treating narcotic addiction since it is acceptable to addicts, is long-acting, produces a low level of physical dependence such that patients may be easily detoxified, is less toxic than drugs used for maintenance therapy, and blocks the effects of narcotics."
01/14/2020 - "The lack of therapeutics for optimal pain management is partially responsible for the current epidemic of opioid and narcotic abuse. "
01/01/1995 - "We introduce the term "virulent" Crohn's disease to describe those patients with most or all of the following: young age at onset, multiple surgical procedures, short bowel/malabsorption, chronic steroid therapy, narcotic addiction, and sepsis. "
01/01/1985 - "The highest predictive value with a high probability for staphylococcal etiology was recorded for combinations of the variables: i.v. narcotic addiction and septic pulmonary embolism; non-addiction, wound infection, and hospitalization within 4 weeks; non-addiction, absence of skin infection, presence of foreign body, and age less than 60 yr. Staphylococcal etiology was contradicted by the absence of i.v. narcotic addiction, skin infection, foreign body, septic skin manifestation, surgical procedure within 4 weeks, joint symptom and a C-reactive protein less than or equal to 10 mm. Thus, a prediction of etiology may be valuable in choosing therapy before definite confirmation by positive blood cultures or when blood cultures remain sterile."
3. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)
4. Length of Stay
5. Pain Management