
A group of iron-binding proteins that tightly bind two ferrate ions along with two carbonate ions. They are found in the bodily fluids of vertebrates where they act as transport and storage molecules for iron.
Networked: 33 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 4 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Boquete, Jean-Philippe: 1 article (01/2020)
2. Iatsenko, Igor: 1 article (01/2020)
3. Lemaitre, Bruno: 1 article (01/2020)
4. Marra, Alice: 1 article (01/2020)
5. Peña, Jasquelin: 1 article (01/2020)
6. Aranki, Sary F: 1 article (11/2018)
7. Balasubramanian, Meena: 1 article (11/2018)
8. Body, Simon C: 1 article (11/2018)
9. Desurkar, Archana: 1 article (11/2018)
10. Ejiofor, Julius: 1 article (11/2018)

Related Diseases

1. Infections
2. Hepatitis E
3. Hemoglobinopathies
4. Color Vision Defects (Color Blindness)
5. Neoplasms (Cancer)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Iron
2. Transferrin (beta 2 Transferrin)
3. Haptoglobins
4. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
5. Iron-Binding Proteins
6. Blood Proteins (Serum Proteins)
7. Albumins
8. Lectins
9. Protein Isoforms (Isoforms)
10. Cytokines

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Induced Heart Arrest (Cardioplegia)