Transferrin-Binding Proteins

A class of carrier proteins that bind to TRANSFERRIN. Many strains of pathogenic bacteria utilize transferrin-binding proteins to acquire their supply of iron from serum.
Also Known As:
Transferrin Binding Proteins
Networked: 11 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 1 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Gerlach, Gerald-F: 2 articles (06/2005 - 04/2002)
2. Hennig-Pauka, Isabel: 2 articles (06/2005 - 04/2002)
3. Evans, Robert W: 2 articles (05/2005 - 02/2005)
4. Gorringe, Andrew R: 2 articles (05/2005 - 02/2005)
5. Oakhill, Jonathan S: 2 articles (05/2005 - 02/2005)
6. Bossé, Janine T: 1 article (06/2005)
7. Gerstenberger, Jörg: 1 article (06/2005)
8. Gruber, Achim D: 1 article (06/2005)
9. Jacobsen, Ilse: 1 article (06/2005)
10. Langford, Paul R: 1 article (06/2005)

Related Diseases

1. Infections
2. Bacterial Meningitis
3. Sepsis (Septicemia)
4. Starvation
5. Otitis Media

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Immunosorbents
2. Enzymes
3. Transferrin (beta 2 Transferrin)
4. Iron
5. Carrier Proteins (Binding Protein)
6. Virulence Factors (Pathogenicity Factors)
7. Fimbriae Proteins (Pilin)
8. Urease
9. Lactoferrin
10. Hemopexin