Post-Lyme Disease Syndrome

A condition caused by long-lasting and ongoing infection with the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi resulting in progressive inflammatory neurologic, neuromuscular, and dermatologic manifestations including ENCEPHALITIS; MYELITIS; acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans; and ARTHRITIS.
Also Known As:
Chronic Lyme Disease; Post Lyme Disease Syndrome; Post-Treatment Lyme Disease; Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome; Lyme Disease, Chronic; Lyme Disease, Post-Treatment; Post Treatment Lyme Disease; Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome; Post-Lyme Disease Syndromes; Syndrome, Post-Lyme Disease; Syndromes, Post-Lyme Disease
Networked: 130 relevant articles (15 outcomes, 15 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Post-Lyme Disease Syndrome
2. Lyme Disease (Disease, Lyme)
3. Coinfection
4. Infections
5. Fatigue


1. Wormser, Gary P: 9 articles (10/2021 - 06/2009)
2. Aucott, John N: 6 articles (03/2022 - 12/2018)
3. Rebman, Alison W: 6 articles (03/2022 - 12/2018)
4. Feng, Jie: 6 articles (01/2019 - 07/2014)
5. Zhang, Ying: 6 articles (01/2019 - 07/2014)
6. Shi, Wanliang: 5 articles (01/2019 - 07/2014)
7. Alaedini, Armin: 5 articles (01/2018 - 09/2004)
8. Fallon, Brian A: 4 articles (02/2020 - 02/2011)
9. Joosten, Leo A B: 4 articles (04/2019 - 01/2011)
10. Marques, Adriana: 4 articles (01/2019 - 06/2008)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Post-Lyme Disease Syndrome:
1. Anti-Bacterial Agents (Antibiotics)IBA
2. DapsoneFDA Link
3. Doxycycline (Periostat)FDA LinkGeneric
4. Amoxicillin (Wymox)FDA LinkGeneric
5. Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD)IBA
6. AntigensIBA
7. MacrolidesIBA
8. VaccinesIBA
9. SulfonesIBA
10. cefuroxime axetil (Ceftin)FDA LinkGeneric

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Treatment Delay
3. Aftercare (After-Treatment)
4. Catheters
5. Precision Medicine