cytochrome P-450 CYP2G1

a cytochrome P-450 olfactory-specific steroid hydroxylase; catalyzes hydroxylationof testosterone and progesterone at 2-beta-, 15-alpha-, and 15-beta-position; isolated from a number of species including mouse, rat and rabbit; amino acid sequence in first source
Also Known As:
CYP2G1; cytochrome P-450 2G1; cytochrome P-450 CYP2G1 (murine); olfactory-specific steroid hydroxylase
Networked: 1 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Fukuta, Katsuhiro: 1 article (01/2016)
2. Kakizoe, Tadao: 1 article (01/2016)
3. Kanai, Yae: 1 article (01/2016)
4. Kanemoto, Kazuhiro: 1 article (01/2016)
5. Katoh, Masaru: 1 article (01/2016)
6. Kawai, Noriyasu: 1 article (01/2016)
7. Kohri, Kenjiro: 1 article (01/2016)
8. Nakagama, Hitoshi: 1 article (01/2016)
9. Ochiai, Masako: 1 article (01/2016)
10. Ohnami, Sumiko: 1 article (01/2016)

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