Bone Diseases (Bone Disease)

Diseases of BONES.
Also Known As:
Bone Disease; Disease, Bone; Diseases, Bone
Networked: 5970 relevant articles (328 outcomes, 626 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. Osteoporosis
3. Bone Resorption
4. Multiple Myeloma
5. Pain (Aches)


1. Terpos, Evangelos: 51 articles (02/2024 - 09/2003)
2. Body, Jean-Jacques: 26 articles (01/2022 - 01/2003)
3. Lipton, Allan: 25 articles (09/2015 - 09/2002)
4. Dimopoulos, Meletios A: 22 articles (03/2021 - 10/2006)
5. Coleman, Robert E: 22 articles (10/2020 - 02/2003)
6. Hofbauer, Lorenz C: 19 articles (01/2023 - 04/2003)
7. Xu, Jiake: 17 articles (01/2022 - 11/2004)
8. Roodman, G David: 16 articles (01/2018 - 01/2002)
9. Fukagawa, Masafumi: 15 articles (05/2019 - 03/2002)
10. Coleman, R E: 15 articles (02/2013 - 01/2000)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Bone Diseases:
1. Diphosphonates (Bisphosphonates)IBA
2. Vitamin DFDA LinkGeneric
3. CalciumIBA
4. Zoledronic Acid (Zometa)FDA Link
5. Ibandronic Acid (Boniva)FDA Link
6. Parathyroid Hormone (Parathormone)IBA
7. Pamidronate (Aredia)FDA LinkGeneric
8. Calcitriol (Calcijex)FDA LinkGeneric
9. MineralsIBA
10. DenosumabFDA Link

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)
01/01/2009 - "Translational medicine or research, an emerging discipline on the frontier of basic science and medical practice, has the potential to enhance the speed and efficiency of the drug development process through the utilization of pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics. Pharmacogenetics is the study of genetic causes of individual variations in drug response whereas pharmacogenomics deals with the simultaneous impact of multiple mutations in the genome that may determine the patient's response to drug therapy. The utilization of these methods in the drug development process may therefore identify patient sub-populations that exhibit more effective responses and/or an improved benefit/risk profile upon treatment. The authors provide examples of the use of pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics in the fields of cardiovascular, pulmonary, oncological, and bone diseases and also highlight the potential economic value of their development."
12/01/2017 - "Further, Scl did not interfere with efficacy of chemotherapy for MM, suggesting that combined treatment with anti-myeloma drugs and Scl-Ab should effectively control MM growth and bone disease, providing new avenues to effectively control MM and bone disease in patients with active MM."
10/01/2022 - "These were divided into 3 diagnostic categories: primary bone tumour with chemotherapy, primary bone tumour without chemotherapy and metastatic bone disease. "
01/01/2021 - "Eligibility included measurable disease or non-measurable but evaluable bone disease by Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumours (RECIST) v1.1, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0-1, and no prior chemotherapy for metastatic disease. "
11/21/2017 - "Currently, long-term disease-free survival can be achieved by surgical treatment plus chemotherapy in approximately 60% of patients with localized extremity disease, and in 20-30% of patients with metastatic lung or bone disease. "
3. Parathyroidectomy
4. Renal Dialysis (Hemodialysis)
5. Transplantation