Minichromosome Maintenance Proteins

A family of proteins that were originally identified in SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE as being essential for maintaining the structure of minichromosomes00. They form into a protein complex that has helicase activity and is involved in a variety of DNA-related functions including replication elongation, RNA transcription, chromatin remodeling, and genome stability.
Also Known As:
MCM Protein Complex; MCM2-7 Complex; MCM2-7 Helicase; Helicase, MCM2-7; MCM2 7 Complex; MCM2 7 Helicase; Maintenance Proteins, Minichromosome
Networked: 50 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 5 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Dziegiel, Piotr: 4 articles (05/2019 - 12/2013)
2. Coleman, Nicholas: 4 articles (09/2009 - 06/2002)
3. Piotrowska, Aleksandra: 3 articles (05/2019 - 02/2016)
4. Laskey, Ronald A: 3 articles (09/2009 - 06/2002)
5. Jablonska, Karolina: 2 articles (05/2019 - 12/2013)
6. Nowinska, Katarzyna: 2 articles (05/2019 - 02/2016)
7. Podhorska-Okolow, Marzena: 2 articles (05/2019 - 12/2013)
8. Passerini, Verena: 2 articles (11/2016 - 02/2016)
9. Storchová, Zuzana: 2 articles (11/2016 - 02/2016)
10. Pula, Bartosz: 2 articles (02/2016 - 12/2013)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (Lymphoma, Large Cell, Diffuse)
3. Ovarian Neoplasms (Ovarian Cancer)
4. Colonic Neoplasms (Colon Cancer)
5. Genomic Instability

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Metallothionein
2. Metallothionein 3
3. Minichromosome Maintenance Proteins
4. Biomarkers (Surrogate Marker)
5. Sesquiterpenes
6. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
7. cedrol
8. Mediator Complex
9. Cullin Proteins (Cullins)
10. Neuropilin-1