
Derivatives of acrylic acid (the structural formula CH2=CHCO2H), including its salts and esters.
Networked: 212 relevant articles (6 outcomes, 18 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Bruze, Magnus: 7 articles (08/2018 - 10/2006)
2. Gonçalo, Margarida: 5 articles (05/2020 - 08/2014)
3. Aalto-Korte, Kristiina: 4 articles (04/2021 - 07/2009)
4. Isaksson, Marléne: 4 articles (01/2011 - 10/2006)
5. Zimerson, Erik: 4 articles (01/2011 - 10/2006)
6. Uter, Wolfgang: 3 articles (06/2022 - 12/2005)
7. Foti, Caterina: 3 articles (08/2020 - 04/2018)
8. Hansel, Katharina: 3 articles (08/2020 - 07/2015)
9. Stingeni, Luca: 3 articles (08/2020 - 07/2015)
10. Amaro, Cristina: 3 articles (12/2017 - 01/2012)

Related Diseases

1. Allergic Contact Dermatitis
2. Hypersensitivity (Allergy)
3. Neoplasms (Cancer)
4. Erythema
5. Asthma (Bronchial Asthma)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Coloring Agents (Dyes)
2. Waxes
3. Polyvinyls
4. Polystyrenes (Polystyrene)
5. Polyesters
6. Detergents (Detergent)
7. ethyl cellulose
8. acetylcellulose
9. Methacrylates
10. Allergens

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Microspheres (Microsphere)
2. Electrodes (Electrode)
3. Dental Prosthesis
4. Diathermy
5. Orthopedic Procedures