Penoscrotal transposition

Also Known As:
Congenital transposition of the penis; Prepenile scrotum
Networked: 10 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Hypospadias


1. Gearhart, John P: 1 article (01/2023)
2. Haney, Nora M: 1 article (01/2023)
3. Harris, Thomas G W: 1 article (01/2023)
4. Khandge, Preeya: 1 article (01/2023)
5. Morrill, Christian C: 1 article (01/2023)
6. Mudalegundi, Shwetha: 1 article (01/2023)
7. Redett, Richard J: 1 article (01/2023)
8. Yang, Robin: 1 article (01/2023)
9. Ayyar, Vageesh: 1 article (01/2022)
10. Bantwal, Ganapathi: 1 article (01/2022)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Penoscrotal transposition:
1. Testosterone (Sustanon)FDA Link
2. Androgen Receptors (Androgen Receptor)IBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Prostheses and Implants (Prosthesis)
2. Operative Time
3. Orchiopexy
4. Tissue Expansion
5. Therapeutics