
Organic compounds that contain 1,2-diphenylethylene as a functional group.
Also Known As:
Derivative, Stilbene; Derivatives, Stilbene; Stilbene; Stilbene Derivative; Stilbene Derivatives; Stilbenoid; Stilbenoids
Networked: 657 relevant articles (34 outcomes, 96 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Lin, Hung-Yun: 11 articles (01/2021 - 08/2002)
2. Ho, Chi-Tang: 10 articles (06/2021 - 03/2008)
3. Davis, Paul J: 10 articles (04/2020 - 08/2002)
4. Rimando, Agnes M: 10 articles (11/2017 - 07/2004)
5. Pan, Min-Hsiung: 8 articles (11/2021 - 03/2008)
6. Davis, Faith B: 8 articles (01/2011 - 08/2002)
7. Tang, Heng-Yuan: 8 articles (01/2011 - 08/2002)
8. Wierzchowski, Marcin: 7 articles (03/2021 - 11/2013)
9. Baer-Dubowska, Wanda: 7 articles (11/2020 - 01/2004)
10. Simoni, Daniele: 7 articles (02/2009 - 07/2003)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. Inflammation (Inflammations)
3. Alzheimer Disease (Alzheimer's Disease)
4. Obesity
5. Cardiovascular Diseases (Cardiovascular Disease)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Resveratrol
2. Antioxidants
3. Flavonoids
4. Glycosides
5. Polyphenols
6. pterostilbene
7. Acids
8. Lignans
9. 3,3',4,5'-tetrahydroxystilbene
10. Phytochemicals

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Mediterranean Diet
2. Therapeutics
3. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)
4. Canes (Cane)
5. Chemoprevention