Biological Science Disciplines

All of the divisions of the natural sciences dealing with the various aspects of the phenomena of life and vital processes. The concept includes anatomy and physiology, biochemistry and biophysics, and the biology of animals, plants, and microorganisms. It should be differentiated from BIOLOGY, one of its subdivisions, concerned specifically with the origin and life processes of living organisms.
Also Known As:
Biologic Sciences; Biological Science; Science, Biological; Sciences, Biological; Biologic Science; Biological Science Discipline; Discipline, Biological Science; Disciplines, Biological Science; Life Science; Science Discipline, Biological; Science Disciplines, Biological; Science, Biologic; Science, Life; Sciences, Biologic; Sciences, Life; Biological Sciences; Life Sciences
Networked: 0 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Context: Research Results