Developmental Defects of Enamel

Defects in normal AMELOGENESIS caused by any local, systemic, environmental, or genetic factors. Enamel defects resulting from demineralization of normally developed DENTAL ENAMEL is referred to as TOOTH DEMINERALIZATION.
Also Known As:
Enamel Developmental Defect; Enamel Developmental Defects; Developmental Defect of Enamel; Developmental Dental Enamel Defect; Developmental Dental Enamel Defects
Networked: 166 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 33 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Dental Caries (Decay, Dental)
2. Birth Weight (Birth Weights)
3. Asthma (Bronchial Asthma)
4. Anodontia (Hypodontia)
5. Chronic Renal Insufficiency


1. Corrêa-Faria, Patrícia: 8 articles (03/2019 - 05/2013)
2. Paiva, Saul Martins: 5 articles (01/2019 - 08/2013)
3. Wong, Hai Ming: 5 articles (06/2016 - 12/2005)
4. Ramos-Jorge, Maria Letícia: 4 articles (09/2022 - 07/2013)
5. McGrath, Colman: 4 articles (05/2019 - 12/2005)
6. Golkari, Ali: 4 articles (01/2016 - 04/2011)
7. King, Nigel M: 4 articles (01/2015 - 12/2005)
8. Jan, J: 3 articles (06/2022 - 11/2000)
9. Paixão-Gonçalves, Suzane: 3 articles (01/2019 - 03/2015)
10. Pordeus, Isabela Almeida: 3 articles (01/2019 - 08/2013)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Developmental Defects of Enamel:
1. FluoridesIBA
2. Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene (DDE)IBA
3. Drinking WaterIBA
4. Growth Hormone (Somatotropin)IBA
5. Vitamin DFDA LinkGeneric
6. Penicillins (Penicillin)FDA Link
7. Cephalosporins (Cephalosporin Antibiotics)IBA
8. Tenofovir (Viread)FDA Link
9. SugarsIBA
10. Indicators and Reagents (Reagents)IBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Oral Hygiene (Dental Hygiene)
11/16/2022 - "Dental and Dental Hygiene Students' Knowledge and Capacity to Discriminate the Developmental Defects of Enamel: A Self-Submitted Questionnaire Survey."
05/14/2013 - "Children with low birth weight show an increased prevalence of developmental defects of enamel in the primary dentition that subsequently may predispose to early childhood caries (ECC).Focusing 6-36 months old, the purpose of this study was to assess the frequency of enamel defects in the primary dentition and identify influences of early life course factors; socio-demographics, birth weight, child's early illness episodes and mothers' perceived size of the child at birth, whilst controlling for more recent life course events in terms of current breastfeeding and oral hygiene. "
05/01/2019 - "Clinical examinations checked dental caries using the dmft/DMFT index, dental hygiene using the Simplified Greene-Vermillion Index (DI-S), gingival inflammation using the Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs, and enamel defects using the modified Developmental Defects of Enamel Index. "
09/01/2017 - "Mothers completed the Antonovsky's SOC instrument (SOC-13) and their children's oral cavity had been examined for developmental defects of enamel (DDE), occlusal problems, dental caries (DMFT/dmft) and oral hygiene. "
01/01/2015 - "Various risk factors for dental caries like type of oral hygiene practice, sugar exposures/day, developmental defects of enamel, caries activity, salivary streptococci mutans levels and lactobacilli levels were evaluated and compared among the three groups of children. "
2. Dental Care
3. Oral Diagnosis (Oral Examination)
4. Tertiary Prevention
5. Toothbrushing