
Crystals in the URINE found in urinary sediment analysis. Urinary crystalline may be formed from various metabolites (e.g., CALCIUM OXALATES; CALCIUM PHOSPHATES; URATES) and drugs (e.g., SULPHADIAZINE; ACYCLOVIR; and TRIAMTERENE).
Also Known As:
Networked: 458 relevant articles (13 outcomes, 42 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
2. Urolithiasis
3. Kidney Calculi (Kidney Stone)
4. Pyelonephritis
5. Hematuria


1. Daudon, Michel: 18 articles (04/2021 - 01/2003)
2. Daudon, M: 6 articles (05/2019 - 04/2000)
3. Fogazzi, Giovanni B: 5 articles (08/2018 - 01/2003)
4. Letavernier, Emmanuel: 4 articles (01/2022 - 11/2020)
5. Knebelmann, Bertrand: 4 articles (11/2019 - 07/2003)
6. Bollée, Guillaume: 4 articles (01/2014 - 09/2010)
7. Ceballos-Picot, Irène: 4 articles (01/2014 - 09/2010)
8. Iezhitsa, I N: 4 articles (04/2013 - 05/2009)
9. Kharitonova, M V: 4 articles (04/2013 - 05/2009)
10. Kravchenko, M S: 4 articles (04/2013 - 05/2009)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Crystalluria:
1. CalciumIBA
2. Calcium OxalateIBA
3. Uric Acid (Urate)IBA
4. OxalatesIBA
5. StruviteIBA
6. Indinavir (Crixivan)FDA Link
7. Cystine (L-Cystine)IBA
8. Citric Acid (Citrate)FDA LinkGeneric
9. ThiazidesIBA
10. NitrofuransIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Glycemic Control
3. Intravenous Administration
4. Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART)
5. Oral Administration