Retinyl Esters

A carboxylic ester of retinol formed by condensation of the hydroxy group of retinol with a carboxy group.
Also Known As:
All Trans Retinyl Ester; All Trans Retinyl Esters; Ester, All-Trans-Retinyl; Ester, Retinyl; All-Trans-Retinyl Ester; All-Trans-Retinyl Esters; Retinyl Ester
Networked: 116 relevant articles (3 outcomes, 14 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Tanumihardjo, Sherry A: 6 articles (01/2019 - 12/2006)
2. Gudas, Lorraine J: 5 articles (03/2009 - 03/2002)
3. Palczewski, Krzysztof: 4 articles (11/2017 - 05/2002)
4. Bok, Dean: 4 articles (11/2006 - 03/2002)
5. Rando, Robert R: 4 articles (11/2006 - 03/2002)
6. Ross, A Catharine: 3 articles (03/2014 - 06/2010)
7. Nanus, David M: 3 articles (05/2004 - 03/2002)
8. Mawson, Anthony R: 2 articles (11/2020 - 01/2016)
9. Blaner, William S: 2 articles (01/2019 - 10/2005)
10. Kaliwile, Chisela: 2 articles (01/2019 - 08/2015)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. Hypertriglyceridemia
3. Hyperlipoproteinemia Type III (Broad Beta Disease)
4. Edema (Dropsy)
5. Carcinoma (Carcinomatosis)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Vitamin A (Retinol)
2. Retinoids
3. Lipoproteins (Lipoprotein)
4. alpha-Tocopherol
5. Antioxidants
6. Glutathione (Reduced Glutathione)
7. Corn Oil (Oil, Corn)
8. cocoa butter
9. Retinol-Binding Proteins (Retinoid Binding Proteins)
10. Enzymes

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Chemoprevention
2. Surgical Portacaval Shunt (Portacaval Anastomosis)