Autophagy-Related Protein 12

A UBIQUITIN-like modifier protein that functions in AUTOPHAGOSOME formation, CYTOPLASM to VACUOLE transport, MITOPHAGY, and nucleophagy. Conjugation with ATG5 PROTEIN or ATG10 is essential for its function. The ATG12-ATG5 conjugate acts as an E3 UBIQUITIN LIGASE-like enzyme for lipid modification of ATG8 FAMILY PROTEINS and their localization to vesicle membranes.
Also Known As:
ATG12 Protein; Ubiquitin-Like Protein ATG12; ATG12, Ubiquitin-Like Protein; Autophagy Related Protein 12; Ubiquitin Like Protein ATG12
Networked: 4 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Ademi, Hyrijie: 1 article (01/2020)
2. Bovet, Cédric: 1 article (01/2020)
3. Djonov, Valentin: 1 article (01/2020)
4. Felser, Andrea: 1 article (01/2020)
5. Fiedler, Martin: 1 article (01/2020)
6. Frangež, Živa: 1 article (01/2020)
7. Germič, Nina: 1 article (01/2020)
8. He, Zhaoyue: 1 article (01/2020)
9. Liu, He: 1 article (01/2020)
10. Mlinarič-Raščan, Irena: 1 article (01/2020)

Related Diseases

1. Tuberous Sclerosis (Bourneville's Disease)
2. Neoplasms (Cancer)
3. Uterine Cervical Neoplasms (Cancer of the Cervix)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases
2. Sirtuin 1
3. Lysosomal Membrane Proteins
4. Sirtuins
5. Microtubule-Associated Proteins (Microtubule-Associated Protein 2)
6. Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP)
7. Autophagy-Related Protein-1 Homolog
8. Beclin-1
9. trans-sodium crocetinate (crocetin)
10. protein kinase P