Also Known As:
7S,15R-dihydroxy-16S,17S-epoxy-docosapentaenoic acid
Networked: 3 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Choi, Hack Sun: 2 articles (02/2022 - 09/2021)
2. Jang, Yong-Suk: 2 articles (02/2022 - 09/2021)
3. Seo, Jeong-Woo: 2 articles (02/2022 - 09/2021)
4. Su, Yan: 2 articles (02/2022 - 09/2021)
5. Wang, Lifang: 2 articles (02/2022 - 09/2021)
6. Heo, Sun-Yeon: 1 article (02/2022)
7. Ju, Jung-Hyun: 1 article (02/2022)
8. Oh, Back-Rock: 1 article (02/2022)
9. Yi, Jong-Jae: 1 article (02/2022)
10. Lee, Binna: 1 article (09/2021)

Related Diseases

1. Colorectal Neoplasms (Colorectal Cancer)
2. Obesity
3. Neoplasms (Cancer)
4. Inflammation (Inflammations)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Fluorouracil (Carac)
2. STAT3 Transcription Factor (Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3)
3. Reactive Oxygen Species (Oxygen Radicals)
4. Conditioned Culture Media
5. Triglycerides (Triacylglycerol)
6. Lipoxygenase (Lipoxygenase-1)
7. LDL Cholesterol
8. HDL Cholesterol
9. Docosahexaenoic Acids
10. Cholesterol

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)