crexavibart drug combination ogalvibart

combination of two neutralizing anti-SARS-CoV-2 mAbs targeting epitopes on the receptor protein binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
Also Known As:
ogalvibart, crexavibart drug combination; BMS-986413 and BMS-986414; BMS-986413 and BMS-986414 drug combination; BMS-986413, BMS-986414 drug combination; C-144-LS and C-135-LS; C-144-LS and C-135-LS drug combination; C-144-LS, C-135-LS; C-144-LS, C-135-LS drug combination; C144-LS and C-135-LS drug combination; C144-LS and C135-LS drug combination; C144-LS, C-135-LS drug combination; C144-LS, C135-LS drug combination; IM-051; IM051; ogalvibart and crexavibart; ogalvibart and crexavibart drug combination
Networked: 0 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results