
a synthetic Affibody peptide, Z03115-Cys, labeled with a near-infrared fluorophore, IRDye 800CW, targeting epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
Networked: 15 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 5 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Samkoe, Kimberley S: 11 articles (10/2021 - 01/2017)
2. Pogue, Brian W: 7 articles (12/2020 - 09/2016)
3. Paulsen, Keith D: 6 articles (12/2020 - 09/2016)
4. Marra, Kayla: 6 articles (02/2019 - 09/2016)
5. Gunn, Jason R: 5 articles (10/2021 - 01/2017)
6. Feldwisch, Joachim: 5 articles (06/2019 - 01/2017)
7. Xu, Xiaochun: 4 articles (10/2021 - 02/2020)
8. Henderson, Eric R: 4 articles (12/2020 - 01/2018)
9. Chen, Eunice Y: 3 articles (10/2021 - 02/2019)
10. Hoopes, P Jack: 3 articles (10/2021 - 01/2017)

Related Diseases

1. Glioma (Gliomas)
2. Neoplasms (Cancer)
3. Sarcoma (Soft Tissue Sarcoma)
4. Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck
01/01/2023 - "Fluorescence image data collected through a Phase 0 clinical trial of ABY-029 involved a total of 20,073 sub-image patches (size of 1.8 × 1.8 mm2) extracted from 24 bread-loafed slices of HNSCC surgical resections originating from 12 patients who were stratified into three dose groups (30, 90, and 171 nanomoles). "
01/01/2023 - "In this preliminary study, radiomic analysis was applied to optical ABY-029 fluorescence image data for HNSCC tissue classification through an approach termed "optomics." Optomics was employed to improve tumor identification by leveraging textural pattern differences in EGFR expression conveyed by fluorescence. "
01/01/2023 - "Properties of the untargeted agent important for human use and integrity of PAI were tested: (1) plasma protein binding; (2) fluorescence signal linearity in in vitro whole blood dilution; (3) in vivo pharmacokinetic matching to targeted agent in negative control tissue; and (4) in vivo diagnostic accuracy of PAI vs single agent imaging (SAI) of ABY-029 alone in orthotopic oral head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. "
02/01/2019 - "Here, ABY-029 - an anti-EGFR Affibody molecule labeled with IRDye 800CW - and IRDye 680RD conjugated to Affibody Control Imaging Agent molecule (IR680-Affctrl) are used as targeted and untargeted control agents, respectively, in a panel of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) to test the ability of PAI to increase tumor detection. "
01/01/2023 - "PAI using a fluorescent anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) affibody molecule (ABY-029, eIND 122,681) with untargeted IRDye 700DX carboxylate was compared to ABY-029 alone in an oral squamous cell carcinoma xenograft mouse model at 3 h after dye administration (n = 30). "
5. Phototoxic Dermatitis (Phototoxicity)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. ErbB Receptors (EGF Receptor)
2. IRDye 800CW
3. Peptides (Polypeptides)
4. Indocyanine Green (Cardio-Green)
5. Coloring Agents (Dyes)
6. Blood Proteins (Serum Proteins)
7. Cetuximab (Erbitux)
8. protoporphyrin IX

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Injections
2. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)
3. Therapeutics