pomaglumetad methionil

a potent and selective methionil prodrug of the metabotropic glutamate
Also Known As:
LY2140023 monohydrate
Networked: 16 relevant articles (4 outcomes, 12 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Kinon, Bruce J: 9 articles (02/2016 - 06/2011)
2. Millen, Brian A: 7 articles (02/2016 - 06/2011)
3. Zhang, Lu: 4 articles (12/2015 - 06/2011)
4. Adams, David H: 3 articles (02/2016 - 05/2013)
5. Gomez, Juan Carlos: 3 articles (02/2016 - 11/2013)
6. Downing, AnnCatherine M: 2 articles (02/2016 - 12/2014)
7. Zhao, Fangyi: 2 articles (02/2016 - 12/2014)
8. Ayan-Oshodi, Mosun: 2 articles (06/2015 - 02/2012)
9. Knadler, Mary Pat: 2 articles (06/2015 - 01/2015)
10. Long, Amanda: 2 articles (06/2015 - 01/2015)

Related Diseases

1. Schizophrenia (Dementia Praecox)
2. Weight Loss (Weight Reduction)
3. Substance Withdrawal Syndrome (Withdrawal Symptoms)
4. Psychotic Disorders (Schizoaffective Disorder)
5. Weight Gain

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. pomaglumetad methionil
2. Antipsychotic Agents (Antipsychotics)
3. Glutamic Acid (Glutamate)
4. Prodrugs
5. 4- aminho- 2- thiabicyclo(3.1.0)hexane- 4,6- dicarboxylic acid
6. LY 2140023
7. Aripiprazole (Abilify)
8. metabotropic glutamate receptor 2
9. Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
10. Serotonin (5 Hydroxytryptamine)