
a mitochondrial-targeting agent
Also Known As:
10-TPP cpd; decyl-triphenylphosphonium
Networked: 13 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 3 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Egorov, M V: 2 articles (04/2017 - 12/2008)
2. Murphy, Michael P: 2 articles (05/2014 - 08/2009)
3. Smith, Robin A J: 2 articles (05/2014 - 08/2009)
4. Skulachev, V P: 2 articles (07/2012 - 12/2008)
5. Aldossary, Hayyaf S: 1 article (05/2021)
6. Alzahrani, Abdulaziz A: 1 article (05/2021)
7. Batis, Nikolaos: 1 article (05/2021)
8. Coney, Andrew M: 1 article (05/2021)
9. Holmes, Andrew P: 1 article (05/2021)
10. Kumar, Prem: 1 article (05/2021)

Related Diseases

1. Arthritis (Polyarthritis)
2. Dry Eye Syndromes (Dry Eye Syndrome)
3. Wounds and Injuries (Trauma)
4. Mitochondrial Diseases (Mitochondrial Disease)
5. Stroke (Strokes)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Antioxidants
2. Bromides
3. Solutions
4. mitoquinone
5. Drinking Water
6. Streptozocin (Streptozotocin)
7. Plastoquinone
8. Glycoproteins (Glycoprotein)
9. Free Radicals
10. Deoxyglucose (2 Deoxy D glucose)