Stanozolol (Winstrol)

A synthetic steroid that has anabolic and androgenic properties. (From Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p1194)
Also Known As:
Winstrol; Stromba; Stanazolol; Androstanazol; Methylstanazol; 2'H-Androst-2-eno(3,2-c)pyrazol-17-ol, 17-methyl-, (5alpha,17beta)-
Networked: 183 relevant articles (16 outcomes, 24 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Drug Context: Research Results


1. Carreira, L Miguel: 5 articles (04/2024 - 01/2020)
2. Alves, J C: 3 articles (07/2022 - 01/2021)
3. Lavrador, Catarina: 2 articles (07/2022 - 01/2020)
4. Santos, Ana: 2 articles (07/2022 - 01/2020)
5. Jorge, P: 2 articles (01/2022 - 01/2021)
6. Lavrador, C: 2 articles (01/2022 - 01/2021)
7. Santos, A: 2 articles (01/2022 - 01/2021)
8. Han, Bing: 2 articles (06/2021 - 01/2021)
9. Su, Zhe: 2 articles (08/2015 - 11/2013)
10. Andò, Sebastiano: 2 articles (11/2012 - 05/2012)

Related Diseases

1. Aplastic Anemia (Anemia, Hypoplastic)
2. Hereditary Angioedemas
3. Osteoarthritis
4. Wounds and Injuries (Trauma)
5. Urticaria (Hives)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Prednisone (Sone)
2. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids
3. Danazol (Azol)
4. Steroids
5. Cyclosporine (Ciclosporin)
6. Thalidomide (Thalomid)
7. Antioxidants
8. Vincristine (Oncovin)
9. Erythropoietin
10. Nandrolone (Nortestosterone)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Complementary Therapies (Alternative Medicine)
3. Resistance Training
4. Compression Stockings
5. Laparotomy