
A tissue plasminogen activator enzyme that acts as a fibrinolytic agent; it is used for the dissolution of blood clots, such as those that occur in acute MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION.
Also Known As:
Metalyse; TNKase
Networked: 559 relevant articles (85 outcomes, 202 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Drug Context: Research Results


1. Campbell, Bruce C V: 23 articles (05/2024 - 01/2017)
2. Churilov, Leonid: 22 articles (02/2024 - 01/2018)
3. Parsons, Mark W: 21 articles (01/2024 - 01/2017)
4. Davis, Stephen M: 20 articles (01/2023 - 01/2017)
5. Donnan, Geoffrey A: 18 articles (01/2023 - 01/2014)
6. Armstrong, Paul W: 17 articles (01/2024 - 08/2003)
7. Van de Werf, Frans: 16 articles (01/2024 - 04/2003)
8. Yan, Bernard: 16 articles (01/2023 - 01/2018)
9. Yassi, Nawaf: 16 articles (01/2023 - 01/2018)
10. Wu, Teddy Y: 15 articles (12/2023 - 01/2018)

Related Diseases

1. Ischemic Stroke
2. Stroke (Strokes)
3. Myocardial Infarction
4. ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction
5. Hemorrhage

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Tissue Plasminogen Activator (Alteplase)
2. Heparin (Liquaemin)
3. Enoxaparin (Lovenox)
4. TNK-tissue plasminogen activator
5. Abciximab (ReoPro)
6. Eptifibatide (Integrilin)
7. Fibrinolytic Agents (Antithrombotic Agents)
8. Glycoproteins (Glycoprotein)
9. Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid)
10. Ticagrelor

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Thrombectomy
2. Therapeutics
3. Thrombolytic Therapy
4. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
5. Blood Transfusion (Blood Transfusions)