Extensive Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor of the Maxilla: A Case Report of Conservative Surgical Excision and Orthodontic Alignment of Impacted Canine.

The present report describe the surgical therapy, clinical course, orthodontic treatment and morphological characteristics of an adenomatoid odontogenic tumor in the maxilla of an 11-year-old patient. The cystic tumor filled the maxillary sinus and involved a tooth. Marsupialization was accompanied by partial enucleation and applied traction to the affected tooth by a fixed orthodontic appliance. Healing was uneventful and no local recurrence was observed during a 1-year period of follow-up control.
AuthorsJee-Won Moon
JournalMaxillofacial plastic and reconstructive surgery (Maxillofac Plast Reconstr Surg) Vol. 36 Issue 4 Pg. 173-7 (Jul 2014) ISSN: 2288-8101 [Print] England
PMID27489830 (Publication Type: Case Reports)

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