Perforator Flap

A mass of tissue for transplantation that includes the skin and/or the SUBCUTANEOUS FAT, and the perforating blood vessel that traverses the underlying tissue to supply blood to the skin. Perforator flaps are named after the anatomical region or muscle from where they are transplanted and/or the perforating blood vessel.
Also Known As:
Perforator Flaps; Flap, Perforator; Flaps, Perforator
Networked: 1002 relevant articles (37 outcomes, 69 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Therapy Context: Research Results


1. Mun, Goo-Hyun: 13 articles (06/2022 - 11/2007)
2. Hallock, Geoffrey G: 12 articles (10/2018 - 11/2003)
3. Wei, Zairong: 11 articles (02/2022 - 10/2014)
4. Koshima, Isao: 11 articles (09/2021 - 07/2003)
5. Hamdi, Moustapha: 11 articles (10/2020 - 10/2003)
6. Song, Dajiang: 10 articles (10/2021 - 12/2015)
7. Zhou, Xiao: 10 articles (10/2021 - 05/2013)
8. Kim, Jeong Tae: 10 articles (07/2017 - 03/2005)
9. Li, Z: 9 articles (04/2022 - 12/2016)
10. Li, Zan: 9 articles (10/2021 - 10/2016)

Related Diseases

1. Wounds and Injuries (Trauma)
2. Cicatrix (Scar)
3. Osteomyelitis
4. Neoplasms (Cancer)
5. Necrosis

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Bupivacaine (Bupivacaine Hydrochloride)
2. Diphosphonates (Bisphosphonates)
3. Therapeutic Uses
4. Heme Oxygenase-1
5. Type A Botulinum Toxins (Botox)
6. Methylene Blue (Methylthioninium Chloride)
7. Fluorescent Dyes (Fluorescent Probes)
8. Sildenafil Citrate (Viagra)
9. diclofenac hydroxyethylpyrrolidine (DIEP)
10. Plastics

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Mammaplasty (Breast Reconstruction)
2. Free Tissue Flaps
3. Pelvic Exenteration
4. Transplantation
5. Surgical Flaps