Laryngeal Nerve Injuries

Traumatic injuries to the LARYNGEAL NERVE.
Also Known As:
Laryngeal Nerve Avulsion; Laryngeal Nerve Contusion; Laryngeal Nerve Transection; Laryngeal Nerve Trauma; Laryngeal Neuropathy, Traumatic; Avulsion, Laryngeal Nerve; Avulsions, Laryngeal Nerve; Contusion, Laryngeal Nerve; Contusions, Laryngeal Nerve; Injuries, Laryngeal Nerve; Injury, Laryngeal Nerve; Laryngeal Nerve Avulsions; Laryngeal Nerve Contusions; Laryngeal Nerve Injury; Laryngeal Nerve Transections; Laryngeal Nerve Traumas; Laryngeal Neuropathies, Traumatic; Nerve Avulsion, Laryngeal; Nerve Avulsions, Laryngeal; Nerve Contusion, Laryngeal; Nerve Contusions, Laryngeal; Nerve Injuries, Laryngeal; Nerve Injury, Laryngeal; Nerve Transection, Laryngeal; Nerve Transections, Laryngeal; Nerve Trauma, Laryngeal; Nerve Traumas, Laryngeal; Neuropathies, Traumatic Laryngeal; Neuropathy, Traumatic Laryngeal; Transection, Laryngeal Nerve; Transections, Laryngeal Nerve; Trauma, Laryngeal Nerve; Traumas, Laryngeal Nerve; Traumatic Laryngeal Neuropathies; Traumatic Laryngeal Neuropathy
Networked: 33 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 3 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Hypoparathyroidism
2. Hemorrhage
3. Thyroid Crisis (Thyrotoxic Crisis)
4. Synkinesis
5. Miller Fisher Syndrome (Fisher Syndrome)


1. Van Lierde, Kristiane: 2 articles (05/2021 - 02/2010)
2. Vermeersch, Hubert: 2 articles (05/2021 - 02/2010)
3. Barbu, Anca M: 2 articles (11/2020 - 01/2010)
4. Nam, Inn-Chul: 2 articles (12/2017 - 08/2013)
5. Shaha, Ashok R: 2 articles (07/2008 - 12/2002)
6. Stojadinovic, Alexander: 2 articles (07/2008 - 12/2002)
7. Aygun, N: 1 article (07/2022)
8. Celayir, M F: 1 article (07/2022)
9. Isgor, A: 1 article (07/2022)
10. Uludag, M: 1 article (07/2022)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Laryngeal Nerve Injuries:
1. Nerve Growth Factors (Neurotrophins)IBA
2. Nimodipine (Modus)FDA LinkGeneric
3. CarbonIBA
4. CalciumIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Thyroidectomy
2. Operative Surgical Procedures
3. Esophagectomy
06/01/2013 - "The group made recommendations that the clinician or surgeon should (1) document assessment of the patient's voice once a decision has been made to proceed with thyroid surgery; (2) examine vocal fold mobility, or refer the patient to a clinician who can examine vocal fold mobility, if the patient's voice is impaired and a decision has been made to proceed with thyroid surgery; (3) examine vocal fold mobility, or refer the patient to a clinician who can examine vocal fold mobility, once a decision has been made to proceed with thyroid surgery if the patient's voice is normal and the patient has (a) thyroid cancer with suspected extrathyroidal extension, or (b) prior neck surgery that increases the risk of laryngeal nerve injury (carotid endarterectomy, anterior approach to the cervical spine, cervical esophagectomy, and prior thyroid or parathyroid surgery), or (c) both; (4) educate the patient about the potential impact of thyroid surgery on voice once a decision has been made to proceed with thyroid surgery; (5) inform the anesthesiologist of the results of abnormal preoperative laryngeal assessment in patients who have had laryngoscopy prior to thyroid surgery; (6) take steps to preserve the external branch of the surperior laryngeal nerve(s) when performing thyroid surgery; (7) document whether there has been a change in voice between 2 weeks and 2 months following thyroid surgery; (8) examine vocal fold mobility or refer the patient for examination of vocal fold mobility in patients with a change in voice following thyroid surgery; (9) refer a patient to an otolaryngologist when abnormal vocal fold mobility is identified after thyroid surgery; (10) counsel patients with voice change or abnormal vocal fold mobility after thyroid surgery on options for voice rehabilitation. "
01/01/2000 - "As regards intraoperative complications, they deal only with those occurring at transhiatal esophagectomy (e.g., tracheal tear, bleeding, pneumothorax, laryngeal nerve injury). "
4. Lymph Node Excision (Lymph Node Dissection)
5. Carotid Endarterectomy
06/01/2013 - "The group made recommendations that the clinician or surgeon should (1) document assessment of the patient's voice once a decision has been made to proceed with thyroid surgery; (2) examine vocal fold mobility, or refer the patient to a clinician who can examine vocal fold mobility, if the patient's voice is impaired and a decision has been made to proceed with thyroid surgery; (3) examine vocal fold mobility, or refer the patient to a clinician who can examine vocal fold mobility, once a decision has been made to proceed with thyroid surgery if the patient's voice is normal and the patient has (a) thyroid cancer with suspected extrathyroidal extension, or (b) prior neck surgery that increases the risk of laryngeal nerve injury (carotid endarterectomy, anterior approach to the cervical spine, cervical esophagectomy, and prior thyroid or parathyroid surgery), or (c) both; (4) educate the patient about the potential impact of thyroid surgery on voice once a decision has been made to proceed with thyroid surgery; (5) inform the anesthesiologist of the results of abnormal preoperative laryngeal assessment in patients who have had laryngoscopy prior to thyroid surgery; (6) take steps to preserve the external branch of the surperior laryngeal nerve(s) when performing thyroid surgery; (7) document whether there has been a change in voice between 2 weeks and 2 months following thyroid surgery; (8) examine vocal fold mobility or refer the patient for examination of vocal fold mobility in patients with a change in voice following thyroid surgery; (9) refer a patient to an otolaryngologist when abnormal vocal fold mobility is identified after thyroid surgery; (10) counsel patients with voice change or abnormal vocal fold mobility after thyroid surgery on options for voice rehabilitation. "