Anterograde Amnesia

Loss of the ability to form new memories beyond a certain point in time. This condition may be organic or psychogenic in origin. Organically induced anterograde amnesia may follow CRANIOCEREBRAL TRAUMA; SEIZURES; ANOXIA; and other conditions which adversely affect neural structures associated with memory formation (e.g., the HIPPOCAMPUS; FORNIX (BRAIN); MAMMILLARY BODIES; and ANTERIOR THALAMIC NUCLEI). (From Memory 1997 Jan-Mar;5(1-2):49-71)
Also Known As:
Amnesia, Anterograde; Amnesia, Post-Ictal; Amnesia, Post Ictal; Amnesias, Anterograde; Amnesias, Post-Ictal; Anterograde Amnesias; Anterograde Memory Loss; Anterograde Memory Losses; Loss, Post-Ictal Memory; Losses, Post-Ictal Memory; Memory Loss, Post-Ictal; Memory Losses, Anterograde; Memory Losses, Post-Ictal; Post Ictal Memory Loss; Post-Ictal Amnesia; Post-Ictal Amnesias; Post-Ictal Memory Losses; Memory Loss, Anterograde; Post-Ictal Memory Loss
Networked: 334 relevant articles (12 outcomes, 29 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Confusion (Bewilderment)
2. Thrombophlebitis
3. Muscle Hypotonia (Hypotonia)
4. Retrograde Amnesia
5. Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders (Insomnia)


1. Kozyrev, S A: 4 articles (01/2023 - 12/2020)
2. Nikitin, V P: 4 articles (01/2023 - 12/2020)
3. Solntseva, S V: 4 articles (01/2023 - 12/2020)
4. Saraf, Manish Kumar: 4 articles (08/2010 - 06/2003)
5. Hirshman, Elliot: 4 articles (01/2005 - 12/2003)
6. Nikitin, P V: 3 articles (01/2023 - 03/2022)
7. Quinlan, Joseph J: 3 articles (08/2012 - 07/2006)
8. Reder, Lynne M: 3 articles (08/2012 - 07/2006)
9. Anand, Akshay: 3 articles (08/2010 - 08/2007)
10. Prabhakar, Sudesh: 3 articles (08/2010 - 08/2007)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Anterograde Amnesia:
1. Midazolam (Versed)FDA LinkGeneric
2. Diazepam (Valium)FDA LinkGeneric
3. Flumazenil (Romazicon)FDA LinkGeneric
4. BenzodiazepinesIBA
5. Clonidine (ST 155)FDA LinkGeneric
6. Meperidine (Pethidine)FDA LinkGeneric
7. Amobarbital (Amsal)IBA
8. MentatIBA
9. Thiamine (Aneurin)FDA Link
10. Caffeine (No Doz)FDA LinkGeneric

Therapies and Procedures

1. Analgesia
12/01/2014 - "Intra- and postoperative analgesia and anterograde amnesia were highest with K and least with D1, while D3 produced analgesia comparable to K. "
11/01/1994 - "Analgesia (electric pain stimulation of the median nerve), long-term memory, anterograde amnesia (recognition of simple pictures), motor coordination (Trieger test), immediate recall (short test of general intelligence) and concentration capacity (CI test: recognition of a preselected symbol among several symbols) were measured over a 60-min period and mean arterial pressure, heart rate, and ketamine plasma levels in venous blood samples were determined. "
06/01/2011 - "Dexmedetomidine sedation is advocated for use in awake fiberoptic intubation of patients with cervicofacial infections and difficult airways because of its ability to provide sedation, analgesia, reversible anterograde amnesia, and anxiolysis without impairment of protective reflexes, respiratory depression, or hemodynamic compromise. "
01/01/1989 - "The concomitant administration of Midazolam and Buprenorphine relaxes the patient and ensures analgesia and anterograde amnesia, allowing the surgeon to operate under excellent conditions. "
01/01/1999 - "Midazolam, diazepam and/or pethidine, given to the patients 5-10 minutes before the operation improved the classical local anaesthesia; they ensured hypnosis, analgesia, anterograde amnesia and vegetative protection, thus offering a high surgical comfort and diminishing considerably the rate of the well known incidences and complications of the local anaesthesia."
2. Hypnosis (Mesmerism)
3. Anesthesia
4. General Anesthesia
5. Induced Hypothermia