
Porphyrins with four methyl, two vinyl, and two propionic acid side chains attached to the pyrrole rings. Protoporphyrin IX occurs in hemoglobin, myoglobin, and most of the cytochromes.
Networked: 47 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 1 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Iseki, Hiroshi: 3 articles (05/2013 - 01/2008)
2. Kobayashi, Etsuko: 3 articles (05/2013 - 01/2008)
3. Liao, Hongen: 3 articles (05/2013 - 01/2008)
4. Maruyama, Takashi: 3 articles (05/2013 - 01/2008)
5. Muragaki, Yoshihiro: 3 articles (05/2013 - 01/2008)
6. Sakuma, Ichiro: 3 articles (05/2013 - 01/2008)
7. Noguchi, Masafumi: 2 articles (04/2012 - 01/2008)
8. Coenen, Sandra: 1 article (04/2022)
9. Langendonk, Janneke G: 1 article (04/2022)
10. Wagenmakers, Margreet A E M: 1 article (04/2022)

Related Diseases

1. Neurologic Manifestations (Neurological Manifestations)
2. Glioma (Gliomas)
3. Erythropoietic Protoporphyria
4. Variegate Porphyria (Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase Deficiency)
5. Neoplasms (Cancer)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Aluminum
2. Metals
3. Heme (Haem)
4. protoporphyrin IX
5. Coproporphyrins
6. Zinc
7. Prodrugs
8. Porphyrins
9. Hemoglobins (Hemoglobin)
10. Heme Oxygenase-1

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Liver Transplantation