Glycated Proteins

Advanced glycation end products formed from the spontaneous, non-enzymatic reaction of sugars with free amino groups in proteins. In the past, a glycosylated protein sometimes referred to a glycated protein. GLYCOSYLATED PROTEINS is now restricted to proteins glycosylated by GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASES or via specialized organic chemistry reactions.
Also Known As:
Proteins, Glycated
Networked: 121 relevant articles (5 outcomes, 8 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Ziyadeh, Fuad N: 4 articles (11/2008 - 06/2005)
2. Bach, Leon A: 3 articles (09/2012 - 07/2003)
3. Kijewska, Monika: 3 articles (12/2011 - 12/2009)
4. Kluczyk, Alicja: 3 articles (12/2011 - 12/2009)
5. Stefanowicz, Piotr: 3 articles (12/2011 - 12/2009)
6. Szewczuk, Zbigniew: 3 articles (12/2011 - 12/2009)
7. Metz, Thomas O: 3 articles (02/2009 - 06/2007)
8. Smith, Richard D: 3 articles (02/2009 - 06/2007)
9. Zhang, Qibin: 3 articles (02/2009 - 06/2007)
10. Wolf, Gunter: 3 articles (02/2008 - 06/2005)

Related Diseases

1. Diabetic Nephropathies (Diabetic Nephropathy)
2. Hyperglycemia
3. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (MODY)
4. Diabetes Complications
5. Inflammation (Inflammations)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Albumins
2. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
3. Insulin (Novolin)
4. Lipids
5. Calpain
6. pimagedine (aminoguanidine)
7. Sorbitol (Yal)
8. Cation Transport Proteins
9. Pyruvic Acid (Pyruvate)
10. benzeneboronic acid

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Glycemic Control
3. Lenses