YAP-Signaling Proteins

Signal transducing adaptor proteins that were initially identified by their association with YES PROTO-ONCOGENE PROTEIN. They are downstream components of the HIPPO-SIGNALING PATHWAY, and act as transcriptional co-activators for TEAD TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS.
Also Known As:
YAP Signaling Proteins; Yes Associated Proteins; YAP Intracellular Signaling Proteins; Yes-Associated Proteins
Networked: 5 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Chen, Xin: 2 articles (02/2020 - 01/2020)
2. Feng, Yaju: 2 articles (02/2020 - 01/2020)
3. Li, Lei: 2 articles (02/2020 - 01/2020)
4. Liu, Yanrong: 2 articles (02/2020 - 01/2020)
5. Sun, Tao: 2 articles (02/2020 - 01/2020)
6. Tian, Yixuan: 2 articles (02/2020 - 01/2020)
7. Wang, Lumeng: 2 articles (02/2020 - 01/2020)
8. Wang, Wei: 2 articles (02/2020 - 01/2020)
9. Zhai, Binghui: 2 articles (02/2020 - 01/2020)
10. Zhang, Qian: 2 articles (02/2020 - 01/2020)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. Colorectal Neoplasms (Colorectal Cancer)
3. Liver Diseases (Liver Disease)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Integrins