ADP-Ribosylation Factor 6

A member of GTP-binding protein of the large ras superfamily involved in regulation of membrane trafficking by modulating ENDOCYTOSIS and ACTIN CYTOSKELETON remodeling.
Also Known As:
6, ADP-Ribosylation Factor; Factor 6, ADP-Ribosylation; Protein, ARF6; ADP Ribosylation Factor 6; ARF6 Protein
Networked: 46 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 7 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. D'Souza-Schorey, Crislyn: 5 articles (11/2012 - 06/2004)
2. Ohta, Yasutaka: 2 articles (01/2021 - 01/2017)
3. Saito, Koji: 2 articles (01/2021 - 01/2017)
4. Wei, Qiang: 2 articles (02/2018 - 06/2016)
5. Hoover, Holly: 2 articles (03/2009 - 01/2005)
6. Muralidharan-Chari, Vandhana: 2 articles (03/2009 - 01/2005)
7. Chen, L: 1 article (06/2022)
8. Chen, Y C: 1 article (06/2022)
9. Wang, Q M: 1 article (06/2022)
10. Zhang, J: 1 article (06/2022)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. Neoplasm Metastasis (Metastasis)
3. Pancreatic Neoplasms (Pancreatic Cancer)
4. Infections
5. Breast Neoplasms (Breast Cancer)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. GTP Phosphohydrolases (GTPases)
2. Monomeric GTP-Binding Proteins
3. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
4. GTP-Binding Proteins (G-Protein)
5. Biomarkers (Surrogate Marker)
6. Cyclins
7. Guanosine
8. Small Interfering RNA (siRNA)
9. GTPase-Activating Proteins (GTPase-Activating Protein)
10. Clathrin

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)