Wearable Electronic Devices

Electronic implements worn on the body as an implant or as an accessory. Examples include wearable diagnostic devices, wearable ACTIVITY TRACKERS, wearable INFUSION PUMPS, wearable computing devices, SENSORY AIDS, and electronic pest repellents.
Also Known As:
Electronic Skin; Wearable Devices; Wearable Technology; Computer, Wearable; Device, Wearable; Device, Wearable Electronic; Electronic Device, Wearable; Skin, Electronic; Technology, Wearable; Wearable Computers; Wearable Device; Wearable Electronic Device; Wearable Technologies; Wearable Computer
Networked: 1227 relevant articles (55 outcomes, 251 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Therapy Context: Research Results


1. Richardson, Mark P: 10 articles (04/2022 - 01/2018)
2. Beniczky, Sándor: 9 articles (02/2022 - 01/2018)
3. Menon, Carlo: 9 articles (02/2022 - 08/2010)
4. Najafi, Bijan: 9 articles (11/2020 - 01/2015)
5. Ryvlin, Philippe: 8 articles (12/2021 - 01/2018)
6. Bruno, Elisa: 7 articles (04/2022 - 01/2018)
7. Schulze-Bonhage, Andreas: 7 articles (04/2022 - 01/2018)
8. Rochester, Lynn: 7 articles (11/2020 - 12/2017)
9. Dobson, Richard: 6 articles (01/2022 - 10/2018)
10. Jeppesen, Jesper: 6 articles (01/2022 - 01/2019)

Related Diseases

1. Stroke (Strokes)
2. Weight Loss (Weight Reduction)
3. Parkinson Disease (Parkinson's Disease)
4. Cardiac Arrhythmias (Arrythmia)
5. Pain (Aches)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Insect Repellents
2. salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM)
3. Polyphenols
4. Selegiline (E250)
5. Glycerol (Glycerine)
6. Gels
7. Antioxidants
8. Biomarkers (Surrogate Marker)
9. Solutions
10. Trazodone (Trittico)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Wearable Electronic Devices
3. Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
4. Precision Medicine
5. Exercise Therapy (Therapy, Exercise)