Familial Hypoadrenocorticism

Hereditary forms of Addison disease that may exhibit autosomal recessive or X-linked inheritance. They are characterized by severe neurological symptoms, APNEA; and death in infancy. OMIM: 240200
Also Known As:
Hypoadrenocorticism, Familial; AHC with Isolated Gonadotropin Deficiency; Addison Disease, X-Linked; Adrenal Hypoplasia, Congenital; Adrenal Hypoplasia, Congenital, with Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism; Complex Glycerol Kinase Deficiency; Cytomegalic Adrenocortical Hypoplasia; Familial X-linked Addison Disease; X-linked Adrenal Hypoplasia; X-linked Congenital Adrenal Hypoplasia; Xp21 Contiguous Gene Deletion Syndrome; Addison Disease, X Linked; Adrenal Hypoplasia, X-linked; Congenital Adrenal Hypoplasia; Congenital Adrenal Hypoplasias; Cytomegalic Adrenocortical Hypoplasias; Familial Hypoadrenocorticisms; Familial X linked Addison Disease; Hypoadrenocorticisms, Familial; Hypoplasia, Congenital Adrenal; X linked Adrenal Hypoplasia; X linked Congenital Adrenal Hypoplasia; X-Linked Addison Disease
Networked: 154 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 4 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Dosage-sensitive sex reversal
2. Intellectual Disability (Idiocy)
3. Hypogonadism (Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism)
4. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (Muscular Dystrophy, Becker)
5. Familial Hypoadrenocorticism


1. Achermann, John C: 4 articles (01/2011 - 01/2002)
2. Choi, Hueng-Sik: 4 articles (03/2010 - 05/2004)
3. Beck-Peccoz, Paolo: 4 articles (05/2006 - 01/2002)
4. Mantovani, Giovanna: 4 articles (05/2006 - 01/2002)
5. Persani, Luca: 4 articles (05/2006 - 01/2002)
6. Spada, Anna: 4 articles (05/2006 - 01/2002)
7. Jameson, J L: 3 articles (03/2007 - 01/2001)
8. Jameson, J Larry: 3 articles (01/2003 - 01/2002)
9. Chen, Qiuli: 2 articles (07/2021 - 06/2019)
10. Du, Minlian: 2 articles (07/2021 - 06/2019)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Familial Hypoadrenocorticism:
1. Steroidogenic Factor 1IBA
06/26/2019 - "The etiologies of the 49 cases were adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD; n = 22), X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenital (X-AHC; n = 20), autoimmune polyglandular syndrome (APS; n = 3), triple A syndrome (n = 2), steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) gene mutation (n = 1) and adrenalectomy (n = 1). "
12/01/2005 - "We analyzed mRNA by slot-blot hybridization and also quantified mRNA for transcription factors necessary for adrenocortical development by quantitative real-time PCR: steroidogenic factor 1 and dosage-sensitive sex reversal, adrenal hypoplasia congenital, critical region on the X chromosome (DAX-1). "
08/01/2004 - "Placebo-treated ArKO ovaries have increased Sox9 (15-fold; P < 0.001), Müllerian-inhibiting substance (2.9-fold), Lrh-1 (7.7-fold), and dosage-sensitive sex reversal adrenal hypoplasia congenital critical region on the X chromosome gene 1 (12-fold) expression compared with Wt at 10 wk. Steroidogenic factor 1 was similar to Wt. Consistent with increased serum T levels and Leydig cells in their ovaries, placebo-treated ArKO ovaries had increased 17alpha-hydroxylase, 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type-3, and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type-1 expression compared with Wt at 10 wk. E2 treatment for 3 wk improved the ovarian phenotype, decreased development of Sertoli cells, decreased the expression of Sox9, Lrh-1, and the steroidogenic enzymes in ArKO ovaries, and induced ovulation in some cases. "
08/01/2004 - "We measured mRNA expression of Sertoli cell, Sry-like HMG box protein 9 (Sox9); three upstream transcription factors, liver receptor homolog-1 (Lrh-1), steroidogenic factor 1, and dosage-sensitive sex reversal adrenal hypoplasia congenital critical region on the X chromosome gene 1; and one downstream factor, Müllerian-inhibiting substance. "
01/01/2001 - "Here, we consider mutations in KAL in X-linked Kallmann syndrome; DAX1 in X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita; the related orphan nuclear receptor, steroidogenic factor-1; leptin and prohormone convertase-1, which may influence GnRH release and processing; the GnRH receptor; the pituitary transcription factors, HESX-1, LHX3 and PROP-1; and the gonadotropins, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). "
2. EnzymesIBA
07/01/2003 - "Two had the glycerol kinase deficiency as part of an Xp21 contiguous gene deletion syndrome-complex form-and three had an isolated form of the enzyme deficiency. "
01/01/1994 - "Glycerol kinase deficiency occurs either as a relatively benign isolated enzyme deficiency, or as part of a syndrome resulting from a microdeletion in the p21 region of the X chromosome associated with congenital adrenal hypoplasia and/or Duchenne muscular dystrophy. "
10/01/1991 - "The subjects were divided into 3 groups: those with androgen excess (A+) comprised a group of 13 patients with classical 21-hydroxylase deficiency and one with 11-beta-hydroxylase deficiency; a normal or reduced androgen (a+) group was represented by one patient with late-onset 21-hydroxylase deficiency and one with congenital adrenal hypoplasia; and a group with absent androgen (A-) consisted of 5 patients with a cholesterol side-chain cleaving-enzyme deficiency. "
08/01/2004 - "Placebo-treated ArKO ovaries have increased Sox9 (15-fold; P < 0.001), Müllerian-inhibiting substance (2.9-fold), Lrh-1 (7.7-fold), and dosage-sensitive sex reversal adrenal hypoplasia congenital critical region on the X chromosome gene 1 (12-fold) expression compared with Wt at 10 wk. Steroidogenic factor 1 was similar to Wt. Consistent with increased serum T levels and Leydig cells in their ovaries, placebo-treated ArKO ovaries had increased 17alpha-hydroxylase, 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type-3, and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type-1 expression compared with Wt at 10 wk. E2 treatment for 3 wk improved the ovarian phenotype, decreased development of Sertoli cells, decreased the expression of Sox9, Lrh-1, and the steroidogenic enzymes in ArKO ovaries, and induced ovulation in some cases. "
3. Dihydrotachysterol (AT 10)IBA
4. 3 (or 17)-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenaseIBA
5. HyperglycerolemiaIBA
6. Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Receptors (Nuclear Receptors)IBA
7. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)FDA Link
8. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)IBA
9. GonadotropinsIBA
10. 3-Oxo-5-alpha-Steroid 4-Dehydrogenase (Testosterone 5 alpha Reductase)IBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Ligation
3. Anesthesia
4. Adrenalectomy