Member 4 Subfamily A ATP Binding Cassette Transporter

An ATP binding cassette sub-family A transporter that translocates 11-cis and all-trans isomers of N-retinylidene-phosphatidylethanolamine (RETINOIDS) from the extracellular surface to the cytoplasmic membrane surface of RETINAL ROD CELLS and RETINAL CONE CELLS. Mutations in the ABCA4 gene are associated with Stargardt Disease 1, a hereditary juvenile form of MACULAR DEGENERATION.
Also Known As:
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter, Subfamily A, Member 4; ABCA4 Transporter; ATP Binding Cassette Transporter, Sub-Family A, Member 4; Retinal-Specific ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter; Stargardt Disease Protein; Retinal Specific ATP Binding Cassette Transporter; Transporter, ABCA4
Networked: 9 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Bok, Dean: 3 articles (10/2020 - 05/2011)
2. Radu, Roxana A: 3 articles (10/2020 - 05/2011)
3. Hu, Jane: 2 articles (10/2020 - 05/2011)
4. Blackwell, Jenefer M: 2 articles (03/2009 - 06/2008)
5. Gilbert, Ruth E: 2 articles (03/2009 - 06/2008)
6. Jamieson, Sarra E: 2 articles (03/2009 - 06/2008)
7. McLeod, Rima: 2 articles (03/2009 - 06/2008)
8. Petersen, Eskild: 2 articles (03/2009 - 06/2008)
9. Bonilha, Vera L: 1 article (10/2020)
10. DeBenedictis, Meghan J: 1 article (10/2020)

Related Diseases

1. Stargardt Disease
2. Congenital Toxoplasmosis
3. Retinal Diseases
4. Brain Diseases (Brain Disorder)
5. Retinal Dystrophies

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
2. Collagen Type II (Type II Collagen)
3. Vitamin A (Retinol)
4. Retinaldehyde (Retinal)
5. Retinal Pigments (Pigments, Visual)
6. Lipofuscin
7. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)