Trefoil Factor-1

A 60 amino acid (6.5 kDa) trefoil factor that contains a single trefoil domain. It is expressed primarily by surface EPITHELIAL CELLS of the GASTRIC MUCOSA, where it associates with MUCIN 5AC.
Also Known As:
Protein pS2; TFF1 Peptide; TFF1 Protein; Trefoil Peptide 1; Trefoil Factor 1; pS2, Protein
Networked: 207 relevant articles (3 outcomes, 19 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Chen, Zheng: 4 articles (10/2019 - 07/2015)
2. Soutto, Mohammed: 4 articles (10/2019 - 07/2015)
3. Davie, James R: 4 articles (01/2013 - 01/2005)
4. Rio, Marie-Christine: 4 articles (09/2012 - 05/2002)
5. Wang, Lin: 4 articles (12/2008 - 05/2005)
6. Eletto, Daniela: 3 articles (02/2021 - 01/2017)
7. Porta, Amalia: 3 articles (02/2021 - 01/2017)
8. Tosco, Alessandra: 3 articles (02/2021 - 01/2017)
9. Vllahu, Megi: 3 articles (02/2021 - 01/2017)
10. Belkhiri, Abbes: 3 articles (10/2019 - 07/2015)

Related Diseases

1. Breast Neoplasms (Breast Cancer)
2. Fibroma (Fibromatosis)
3. Stomach Ulcer (Gastric Ulcer)
4. Carcinoma (Carcinomatosis)
5. Carcinogenesis

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Estrogen Receptors
2. Hormones (Hormone)
3. Progesterone Receptors (Progesterone Receptor)
4. Gonadal Steroid Hormones (Sex Hormones)
5. Androgen Receptors (Androgen Receptor)
6. Estrogens (Estrogen)
7. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
8. Cathepsin D
9. Paraffin
10. Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Gastrectomy
3. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)