
A perilipin that functions in LIPOGENESIS; LIPOLYSIS; and fatty acid oxidation in BROWN ADIPOSE TISSUE; heart, liver, and skeletal muscle. It recruits MITOCHONDRIA to the surface of LIPID DROPLETS where it functions in both the storage of fatty acids as TRIGLYCERIDES, and their release for mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in response to metabolic needs.
Also Known As:
LSDP5 Protein; Lipid Storage Droplet Protein 5; OXPAT Protein; PLIN5 Protein; Perilipin 5 Protein; Perilipin 5; Protein, LSDP5; Protein, OXPAT; Protein, PLIN5; Protein, Perilipin 5
Networked: 34 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 1 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Weiskirchen, Ralf: 3 articles (05/2021 - 03/2019)
2. Asimakopoulou, Anastasia: 2 articles (01/2020 - 03/2019)
3. Kalampoka, Stavroula: 2 articles (01/2020 - 03/2019)
4. Bickel, Perry E: 2 articles (01/2016 - 10/2011)
5. Dutta, Sucharita: 2 articles (10/2015 - 04/2015)
6. Imai, Yumi: 2 articles (10/2015 - 04/2015)
7. Machida, Yui: 2 articles (10/2015 - 04/2015)
8. Trevino, Michelle B: 2 articles (10/2015 - 04/2015)
9. Barker, T A: 2 articles (06/2014 - 02/2013)
10. Cocks, M: 2 articles (06/2014 - 02/2013)

Related Diseases

1. Inflammation (Inflammations)
2. Insulin Resistance
3. Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
4. Mitochondrial Diseases (Mitochondrial Disease)
5. Atherosclerosis

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Glucose (Dextrose)
2. Perilipin-2
3. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
4. Triglycerides (Triacylglycerol)
5. Lipids
6. Lipase (Acid Lipase)
7. Perilipin-1
8. Inflammasomes
9. Myostatin
10. Leptin

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Endurance Training