Bimatoprost (Lumigan)

A cloprostenol-derived amide that is used as an ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENT in the treatment of OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA and OCULAR HYPERTENSION.
Also Known As:
Lumigan; AGN 192024; Latisse; 192024, AGN; 5-Heptenamide, 7-(3,5-dihydroxy-2-(3-hydrdoxy-5-phenyl-1-pentenyl)cyclopentyl)-N-ethyl-, (1R-(1alpha(Z),2beta(1E,3S*),3alpha,5alpha))-
Networked: 480 relevant articles (87 outcomes, 131 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Drug Context: Research Results


1. Whitcup, Scott M: 9 articles (03/2017 - 10/2002)
2. Bejanian, Marina: 7 articles (11/2021 - 08/2013)
3. Simonyi, Susan: 7 articles (03/2021 - 07/2009)
4. Woodward, David F: 7 articles (10/2020 - 01/2005)
5. Craven, E Randy: 6 articles (08/2022 - 04/2008)
6. Goodkin, Margot L: 6 articles (11/2021 - 01/2017)
7. Robinson, Michael R: 6 articles (11/2021 - 03/2017)
8. Bernstein, Paula: 6 articles (01/2017 - 01/2003)
9. Hollander, David A: 6 articles (01/2014 - 09/2008)
10. Noecker, Robert J: 6 articles (04/2008 - 03/2003)

Related Diseases

1. Glaucoma
2. Open-Angle Glaucoma (Glaucoma, Open Angle)
3. Ocular Hypertension (Glaucoma, Suspect)
4. Hyperemia
5. Hypotrichosis

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Latanoprost (Xalatan)
2. Timolol (Blocadren)
3. Travoprost (Travatan)
4. Bimatoprost (Lumigan)
5. Synthetic Prostaglandins (Prostaglandin Analogues)
6. Solutions
7. Ophthalmic Solutions (Eye Drops)
8. Brimonidine Tartrate (Alphagan)
9. tafluprost
10. Benzalkonium Compounds (Benzalkonium Chloride)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)
3. Phototherapy (Light Therapy)
4. Lasers (Laser)
5. Phacoemulsification