ELAV-Like Protein 3

A neural-specific RRM protein which contains three RNP-type RNA recognition motifs (RRMs). Human ELAVL3 is recognized by the anti-Hu serum antibody from patients with paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis and sensory neuronopathy (PEM/PSN). It also functions in neurogenesis.
Also Known As:
ELAVL3 Protein; HuC Antigen; HuC Paraneoplastic Encephalomyelitis Antigen; HuC Protein; 3, ELAV-Like Protein; Antigen, HuC; ELAV Like Protein 3; Protein 3, ELAV-Like; Protein, ELAVL3; Protein, HuC
Networked: 1 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Fujii, Yoshiko: 1 article (12/2015)
2. Hyodo, Akio: 1 article (12/2015)
3. Nagaishi, Masaya: 1 article (12/2015)
4. Nobusawa, Sumihito: 1 article (12/2015)
5. Sugiura, Yoshiki: 1 article (12/2015)
6. Suzuki, Kensuke: 1 article (12/2015)
7. Suzuki, Ryotaro: 1 article (12/2015)
8. Tanaka, Yoshihiro: 1 article (12/2015)
9. Yokoo, Hideaki: 1 article (12/2015)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)