congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles

Includes several inherited STRABISMUS syndromes characterized by congenital restrictive ophthalmoplegia affecting extraocular muscles innervated by the oculomotor and/or trochlear nerves. Classic CFEOM is characterized by bilateral BLEPHAROPTOSIS and ophthalmoplegia with the eyes fixed about 20 to 30 degrees below the horizontal midline. Horizontal extraocular muscles may also be involved. If all affected members of a family have the classic phenotype with bilateral involvement, the disorder is referred to as CFEOM1, which is caused by mutations in the KIF21A (a KINESIN) gene. OMIM: 135700
Also Known As:
Cfeom; Congenital External Ophthalmoplegia; General Fibrosis Syndrome
Networked: 38 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 4 trials/studies)

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. 3B Congenital Fibrosis of Extraocular Muscles
2. Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy
3. Ophthalmoplegia (External Ophthalmoplegia)
4. Myositis (Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies)
5. Myasthenia Gravis


1. Engle, Elizabeth C: 18 articles (12/2021 - 04/2002)
2. Chan, Wai-Man: 9 articles (12/2021 - 12/2003)
3. Andrews, Caroline: 7 articles (02/2016 - 12/2003)
4. Hunter, David G: 6 articles (12/2021 - 09/2005)
5. Whitman, Mary C: 4 articles (12/2021 - 02/2016)
6. Robson, Caroline D: 3 articles (12/2021 - 12/2019)
7. MacKinnon, Sarah E: 3 articles (02/2016 - 02/2013)
8. Tischfield, Max A: 3 articles (02/2016 - 09/2010)
9. Oystreck, Darren T: 3 articles (01/2016 - 09/2006)
10. Chew, Sheena: 3 articles (03/2015 - 12/2012)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles:
1. KinesinsIBA
2. Retinaldehyde (Retinal)IBA
3. Lactic Acid (Lactate)FDA LinkGeneric
4. Creatine Kinase (Creatine Phosphokinase)IBA
5. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)FDA Link
6. TubulinIBA
7. Transcription Factors (Transcription Factor)IBA
8. AnkyrinsIBA
9. Troleandomycin (TAO)FDA Link
10. SiliconIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Slit Lamp
2. Tenotomy
3. Toothbrushing
4. Therapeutics
5. Sutures (Suture)