
has antineoplastic activity; consists of rehmannia dride rhizome, radix astragali, toad skin, limax, raw rhizoma arisaematis, raw pinellia tuberifera tenore, black nightshade herb, radix ranunculi ternati, oldenlandia diffusa, bulbus fritillariae thunbergii, and radix stemonae
Also Known As:
CYBYT extract
Networked: 3 relevant articles (2 outcomes, 3 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Chen, Gang: 3 articles (12/2012 - 01/2011)
2. Zeng, Fang: 3 articles (12/2012 - 01/2011)
3. Huang, YanYan: 2 articles (12/2012 - 07/2011)
4. Li, YunCheng: 2 articles (12/2012 - 07/2011)
5. Liu, XiaoGuang: 2 articles (12/2012 - 07/2011)
6. Zhou, JiHang: 2 articles (12/2012 - 07/2011)
7. Zhou, ShiQuan: 2 articles (12/2012 - 07/2011)
8. Zhu, WangYu: 2 articles (12/2012 - 07/2011)
9. Wang, Yekai: 2 articles (07/2011 - 01/2011)
10. Zhang, Yongkui: 2 articles (07/2011 - 01/2011)

Related Diseases

1. Lung Neoplasms (Lung Cancer)
2. Uterine Cervical Neoplasms (Cancer of the Cervix)
3. Adenocarcinoma of Lung

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Caspase 3 (Caspase-3)
2. Fluorouracil (Carac)