Intestinal Hypomagnesemia 1

A rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by very low serum magnesium levels. Hypocalcemia is a secondary consequence of PARATHYROID GLANDS failure and PARATHYROID HORMONE resistance as a result of severe magnesium deficiency. The disease typically manifests during the first months of life with generalized convulsions or signs of increased neuromuscular excitability, such as muscle spasms or TETANY. Untreated, the disease may be fatal or lead to severe neurologic damage. Mutations in the TRPM6 gene have been identified. OMIM: 602014
Also Known As:
Hypomagnesemia 1, Intestinal; Hypomagnesemia with Secondary Hypocalcemia; Hypomagnesemia, Intestinal, with Secondary Hypocalcemia
Networked: 24 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Gitelman Syndrome
2. Hypercalciuria
3. Inborn Genetic Diseases (Disease, Hereditary)
4. Seizures (Absence Seizure)
5. Nephrocalcinosis


1. Hoenderop, Joost G J: 4 articles (01/2011 - 01/2004)
2. Gudermann, Thomas: 3 articles (01/2014 - 04/2004)
3. Bindels, René J M: 3 articles (01/2011 - 08/2007)
4. Konrad, Martin: 3 articles (08/2007 - 01/2003)
5. Chubanov, Vladimir: 2 articles (01/2014 - 08/2007)
6. Woudenberg-Vrenken, Titia E: 2 articles (01/2011 - 08/2009)
7. Schlingmann, Karl P: 2 articles (08/2007 - 04/2004)
8. Bos, Caro: 1 article (05/2022)
9. Carotti, Valentina: 1 article (05/2022)
10. Claverie-Martin, Felix: 1 article (05/2022)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Intestinal Hypomagnesemia 1:
1. MagnesiumIBA
2. Ion Channels (Ion Channel)IBA
3. TRPC6 Cation ChannelIBA
4. N-Methylaspartate (NMDA)IBA
5. N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptors (NMDA Receptors)IBA
6. SaltsIBA
7. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)FDA Link
8. Phosphotransferases (Kinase)IBA
9. Parathyroid Hormone (Parathormone)IBA
10. ElectrolytesIBA