benzyloxycarbonyl-valyl-alanyl-aspartic acid

a cysteine proteinase inhibitor
Also Known As:
Z-VAD peptide; benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp; zVAD peptide
Networked: 45 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 3 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Jeong, Seung Hun: 2 articles (12/2006 - 09/2006)
2. Kwon, Taeg Kyu: 2 articles (12/2006 - 09/2006)
3. Yoo, Young Hyun: 2 articles (12/2006 - 09/2006)
4. Ishidoh, Kazumi: 2 articles (01/2003 - 01/2002)
5. Kojima, Yuko: 2 articles (01/2003 - 01/2002)
6. Kominami, Eiki: 2 articles (01/2003 - 01/2002)
7. Nakayama, Masafumi: 2 articles (01/2003 - 01/2002)
8. Okumura, Ko: 2 articles (01/2003 - 01/2002)
9. Yagita, Hideo: 2 articles (01/2003 - 01/2002)
10. Fiers, W: 2 articles (08/2001 - 12/2000)

Related Diseases

1. Ischemia
2. Spinal Cord Injuries (Spinal Cord Injury)
3. Mastocytoma
4. Necrosis
5. Neoplasms (Cancer)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. benzyloxycarbonylvalyl-alanyl-aspartyl fluoromethyl ketone
2. Caspase Inhibitors
3. Genistein
4. butyloxycarbonyl- O- methyl- aspartyl- fluoromethyl ketone
5. Caspases
6. Ketones
7. Caspase 3 (Caspase-3)
8. Reactive Oxygen Species (Oxygen Radicals)
9. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
10. Phenylalanine (L-Phenylalanine)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Laminectomy
2. Intravenous Injections