3beta-hydroxysterol delta24-reductase

mutations in the gene cause desmosterolosis, an autosomal recessive disorder of cholesterol biosynthesis; catalyzes the reduction of the delta-24 double bond of sterol intermediates during cholesterol biosynthesis; involved in resistance to neurodegeneration and oxidative stress in Alzheimer's disease; DIMINUTO/DWARF1 homolog; RefSeq NM_014762 (human); NM_053272 (mouse)
Networked: 2 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Campi, Valentina: 1 article (06/2005)
2. Chiodini, Elena: 1 article (06/2005)
3. Daniotti, Maria: 1 article (06/2005)
4. Di Stasi, Delia: 1 article (06/2005)
5. Fiorentini, Silvia: 1 article (06/2005)
6. Greeve, Isabell: 1 article (06/2005)
7. Pierotti, Marco A: 1 article (06/2005)
8. Prinetti, Alessandro: 1 article (06/2005)
9. Ranzani, Tiziana: 1 article (06/2005)
10. Rivoltini, Licia: 1 article (06/2005)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. Neoplasm Metastasis (Metastasis)
3. Melanoma (Melanoma, Malignant)
4. Desmosterolosis

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Cholesterol
2. Sterols
3. Oxidoreductases (Dehydrogenase)
4. Enzymes
5. Desmosterol