
from Sertoli cells
Also Known As:
3 alpha-hydroxy-4-pregnen-20-one; 3-dihydroprogesterone; 3-hydroxypregn-4-en-20-one, (3beta)-isomer; 3alpha-dihydroprogesterone; 3alphaHP
Networked: 8 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 1 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Wiebe, J P: 5 articles (11/2007 - 02/2000)
2. Wiebe, John P: 3 articles (01/2010 - 06/2004)
3. Pawlak, K J: 2 articles (11/2007 - 11/2005)
4. Zhang, G: 2 articles (08/2006 - 11/2005)
5. Beausoleil, Michel: 1 article (01/2010)
6. Cialacu, Valentin: 1 article (01/2010)
7. Zhang, Guihua: 1 article (01/2010)
8. Souter, L: 1 article (08/2006)
9. Heathcote, J Godfrey: 1 article (06/2004)
10. Lewis, Michael J: 1 article (06/2004)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasm Metastasis (Metastasis)
2. Breast Neoplasms (Breast Cancer)
11/01/2005 - "The findings that 3alphaHP and 20alphaHP down-regulate 5alphaP-R and suppress mitogenic and metastatic activity suggest that these endogenous anti-mitogenic progesterone metabolites deserve considerations in designing new breast cancer therapeutic agents."
02/15/2000 - "The results suggest that a change in in situ progesterone metabolism, resulting in an increased 5alpha-pregnane:4-pregnene (especially 5alphaP:3alphaHP) ratio, may promote breast cancer by promoting increased cell proliferation and detachment, whereas increases in 4-pregnenes may retard these tumorigenic processes. "
11/01/2007 - "Our previous findings that the progesterone metabolite, 5alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione (5alphaP), exhibits marked mitogenic and metastatic properties, whereas the progesterone metabolites, 4-pregnen-3alpha-ol-20-one (3alphaHP) and 4-pregnen-20alpha-ol-3-one (20alphaHP), oppose these actions, prompted examination of the possible effects of these progesterone metabolites on ER concentration in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. "
06/16/2000 - "This is the first report of receptors for the progesterone metabolites, 5alphaP and 3alphaHP, of their occurrence in breast cancer cell membranes, and of the induction of 5alphaP receptors by estradiol. "
06/16/2000 - "Recent observations indicate that the progesterone metabolite, 5alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione (5alphaP), which is produced at higher levels in tumorous breast tissue, promotes cell proliferation and detachment, whereas 3alpha-hydroxy-4-pregnen-20-one (3alphaHP), which is produced at higher levels in nontumorous breast tissue, suppresses proliferation and detachment of MCF-7 breast cancer cells. "
3. Neoplasms (Cancer)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Progesterone
2. 5-alpha-Dihydroprogesterone (5 alpha-Dihydroprogesterone)
3. Estrogens (Estrogen)
4. Estradiol (Delestrogen)
5. Progesterone Receptors (Progesterone Receptor)
6. Estrogen Receptors
7. Mitogens
8. Enzymes