HAT protocol

chemotherapy protocol consisting of hypoxanthine, thymidine, and an antifolate such as aminopterin; hypoxanthine and thymidine protect non-mutating cells from antifolate agent (e.g. aminopterin); mutant cells unable to utilize hypoxanthine; used as antineoplastic agent and culture media supplement
Also Known As:
HAT culture media
Networked: 1 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Edathadathil, Fabia: 1 article (08/2020)
2. Greeshma, C R: 1 article (08/2020)
3. Menon, Anup: 1 article (08/2020)
4. Menon, Veena: 1 article (08/2020)
5. Menon, Vidya: 1 article (08/2020)
6. Mohamed, Zubair U: 1 article (08/2020)
7. Moni, Merlin: 1 article (08/2020)
8. Nair, Sabarish: 1 article (08/2020)
9. Prasanna, Preetha: 1 article (08/2020)
10. Prasannan, Pratibha: 1 article (08/2020)

Related Diseases

1. Septic Shock (Toxic Shock Syndrome)
2. Shock