delta(14)-sterol reductase

NADPH-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the formal trans addition of hydrogen across the 14,15-pi bond in 8,14-sterol dienes; forms 4,4-dimethylzymosterol in lanosterol metabolism pathway from 4,4-dimethyl-5alpha-cholesta-8,14,25-trien-3beta-ol or from 4,4-dimethyl-cholesta-8,14,24-trienol
Also Known As:
14,15-sterol reductase; 3 beta-hydroxysterol delta 14-reductase; C-14 sterol reductase; FACKEL protein, Arabidopsis; FK protein, Arabidopsis; Tm7sf2 protein, mouse; delta 14,15-reductase; delta 14-sterol reductase; delta 8,14-steroid 14-reductase; delta 8,14-sterol delta 14-reductase; ignosterol reductase; sterol C-14 reductase
Networked: 1 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Hennekam, Raoul C M: 1 article (04/2003)
2. Kelley, Richard I: 1 article (04/2003)
3. Koster, Janet: 1 article (04/2003)
4. Mooyer, Petra: 1 article (04/2003)
5. Noort Gv, Gerard van: 1 article (04/2003)
6. Oosterwijk, Jan C: 1 article (04/2003)
7. Wanders, Ronald J A: 1 article (04/2003)
8. Waterham, Hans R: 1 article (04/2003)
9. Wilcox, William R: 1 article (04/2003)

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