Schaaf-Yang syndrome

autosomal dominant multisystem disorder characterized by delayed psychomotor development, impaired intellectual development, hypotonia, and behavioral abnormalities and associated with paternal mutations in the MAGEL2 gene.
Also Known As:
Chitayat-Hall syndrome; Prader-Willi-like syndrome; SHFYNG
Networked: 19 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 1 trials/studies)

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Hypopituitarism (Sheehan's Syndrome)
2. Hypothyroidism
3. Hyperprolactinemia
4. Prader-Willi Syndrome (Syndrome, Prader-Willi)
5. Melanoma (Melanoma, Malignant)


1. Wevrick, Rachel: 3 articles (01/2021 - 01/2016)
2. Sanderson, Matthea R: 2 articles (01/2021 - 01/2020)
3. Schaaf, Christian P: 2 articles (07/2020 - 11/2019)
4. Bischof, Jocelyn M: 2 articles (01/2020 - 01/2016)
5. Boal, Rachel L: 1 article (01/2022)
6. Boot, Christopher: 1 article (01/2022)
7. Cheetham, Tim D: 1 article (01/2022)
8. Hara, Shigeto: 1 article (01/2022)
9. Hughes, James: 1 article (01/2022)
10. Ikeda, Yuka: 1 article (01/2022)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Schaaf-Yang syndrome:
1. Growth Hormone (Somatotropin)IBA
2. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)FDA Link
3. AntigensIBA
4. TOR Serine-Threonine KinasesIBA
5. snRNP Core ProteinsIBA
6. UbiquitinIBA
7. Sirolimus (Rapamycin)FDA Link
8. Vasopressins (Vasopressin)IBA
9. RNA (Ribonucleic Acid)IBA
10. Prostaglandins DIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics